Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Miss me?

Sheesh! Have I seriously only written ONE post for the month of May?
Reann= Official procrastinator SLACKER!

A Quick Thanks goes out to:
  1. My amazing mother-in-law that keeps asking me to post pictures and news about Kona {our new puppy-kid} Oh, you didn't know about Kona?... that's because I'm a SLACKER!
  2. My friend Britney, who holds me accountable and asked me told me to get blogging.
  3. My Blogging friends who are an inspiration for me to "just write."
So, Here's to multiple posts coming your way in this next very-merry month of June.
{ Tommorrow :P }

1 comment:

  1. britney. brent. and ryan.June 3, 2011 at 10:38 AM

    I've been wondering where you have been. Welcome Back? I missed ya!!!
